The resulting list of competencies often aligns with production of key intellectual property. 能力的结果列表通常与关键的智力财产产品结合。
Or, maybe best of all, you can use a syntax much akin to list comprehensions in Haskell or Python, and only operate on elements that have a desired property 或者,或许是最好的方式,您可以使用Haskell或Python中非常类似于listcomprehensions的语法,只对具有期望属性的元素进行操作
A type converter can provide a list of standard values for a property of the type it supports at design time in a property browser. 对于类型转换器在属性浏览器中在设计时支持的属性类型,类型转换器可以为该属性提供标准值的列表。
Approved List of Property Management Agents 认可物业管理公司名册
In the Speaker class, the talks property is of type List. 在Speaker类中,talks属性的类型是List。
The tasks of the liquidation committee are: to conduct through check of the property of the joint venture company, its claim and indebtedness; to work out the statement of assets and liabilities and list of property; to formulate a liquidation plan. 清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查,编制资产负债表和财产目录,制定清算方案。
Either an Array of property names, or a comma-delimited list of property names to copy. 可以是属性名称构成的数组,也可以是属性名称构成的字符串,用逗号、分号隔开。
Making use of extended entity data chains list of AutoCAD, this paper has realized visual and rapid parametric modeling method on an understanding of graphic property. 在AutoCAD平台上,着重于对图形本质的理解,采用扩充实体数据链表,实现了直观、方便的参数化设计建模。